The eighth condition of bai’at is that one shall hold faith, the honour of faith, and the cause of Islam dearer to one than one’s life, wealth, honour, children and all other dear ones. Hudhur said this is indeed a very significant condition which each Ahmadi should be mindful of. The outside world is watching us for we claim to represent the true picture of Islam. Therefore it is our responsibility to maintain Islam’s honour. We can only do successful Tabligh if our own models are pious. Today there is opposition to Islam all around us. It is our task to present a picture of true Islam to the world. Opponents of Islam have tried their ways in this country as well by banning the construction of minarets. Would the absence of minarets put a stop to criminal activities? Although a decision has been taken regarding the minarets, a momentum should be maintained about this issue. Write to newspapers, hold seminars. The law to ban minarets was made following a referendum, a referendum could also overturn it. Of course minarets do not have that much significance as they became a feature much later on [in Islamic history]. However, it is a matter of the honour of Islam. You should give them the example of Ahmadiyyat, that it is established in 195 countries of the world but there is never an instance of breaking the law or any participation in any unrest against the government of the land. We are the true picture of Islam. Hudhur said rather than be inward-looking, individual connections should be made [with the locals] by those who know the [local] language. Those who do not know the language can distribute literature. Each person will have to participate in this. Another issue that has been raised in Europe is that of Purdah. Our ladies and girls should organise a campaign to write to newspapers. Our girls did a good job in the UK and Germany regarding this. We should let the world know that Purdah is for the honour of a lady although some have distorted its form. Purdah is to uphold a lady’s honour. It is in the nature of women to wish for respect and Islam champions the dignity of women. Purdah is not coercion; it marks the individuality of Muslim women and upholds their honour. Hudhur said he would say to Ahmadi girls that they should not feel any complex in this matter. If they feel uncomfortable in light of the negative propaganda or choose to follow trends and abandon their Purdah then there can be no guarantee of their respect. Their respect is tied with the respect of faith.
(Quote for Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V Mirza Masroor Ahmad aba, April 23rd, 2010
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