
Friday 13 February 2015

Permanence of Allah’s Attributes

God will never cease to operate. He is always the Creator, the Providence, the Sustainer, the Gracious, the Compassionate and always will be. In my opinion, it is sinful to debate about the One of such Majesty. God has not imposed belief in anything which He has not demonstrated.
[Malfuzat, Vol. IV, p. 347]

As the stars appear stage by stage God's attributes also appear stage by stage. Man is sometimes under the shadow of the Divine attributes of Glory and Self-Sufficiency and sometimes he is under the shadow of His attributes of Beauty. That is indicated in His saying:

 ‘Every day He reveals Himself in a new state.’
 al-Rahman, 55:30
It is a foolish notion that after sinful people have been condemned to hell the Divine attributes of Mercy and Compassion will cease to operate and will not be manifested, inasmuch as the permanent cessation of the operation of Divine attributes is not permissible. The basic attribute of God Almighty is Love and Mercy and that is the mother of all attributes. It is the same attribute

which sometimes comes into operation in the shape of the attributes of Glory and Wrath for the purpose of human reform, and when the reform has been effected then Love appears in its true form and remains in operation forever as a bounty. God is not like a short-tempered person who loves to torment. He wrongs no one, but people wrong themselves. All salvation lies in His Love and all torment is to draw away from Him.
[Chashma-e-Masihi, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 20, pp. 369-370]

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