
Friday 27 February 2015

Muhammad SAW is the Proof of Himself (Persian Poem)

There is a wonderful light in the person of Muhammad;
There is a wonderful ruby in the mine of Muhammad
The heart is cleansed of all darkness
When it joins the lovers of Muhammad.

Alas for the hearts of those unworthy ones;
Whom turn their backs upon the hospitality of Muhammad.

I know not of anyone in both the world;
Who has a station equal to Muhammad.

God is utterly displeased with the person;
Who bears a grudge against Muhammad.

God Himself burns that worthless worm;
Which is among the enemies of Muhammad.

If you wish to be delivered from the stupor of the lower self;
Come and join the ranks of the lovers of Muhammad.

If you desire that God should praise you;
Become a true admirer of Muhammad.

If you desire a proof of his truthfulness, become his lover:
Muhammad himself is the proof of Muhammad. 
My body craves to be sacrificed for the dust of Ahmad’s feet;
My heart is ever eager to die for Muhammad.

By the tresses of the Prophet of God!
I would die for the illumined countenance of Muhammad.

Cut me to pieces or burn me to death,
I will not turn away from the court of Muhammad.

For the sake of faith, I fear no one in the world:
For I am coloured after the faith of Muhammad.

How easy it becomes to renounce the world,
When remembering the beauty and grace of Muhammad!

Every particle of my being has been sacrificed in his path;
I have witnessed the latent beauty of Muhammad.

I know not the name of any other teacher;
I have studied at the school of Muhammad.

I have nothing to do with any other beloved;
I am a prey to the loving ways of Muhammad.

I only crave a single glance;
I need nothing but the garden of Muhammad.

Search not for my anguished heart in my bosom;
I have surrendered it to the lap of Muhammad.

I am the merriest among the birds of Paradise;
That have built their nests in the garden of Muhammad.

You have illumined my heart and soul with love;
My life is an offering to you, O Muhammad!

Were I to sacrifice my life for him a hundred times;
Alas! it would not be worthy of the high station of Muhammad.

So awe-inspiring is the station granted to this champion;
No one can even dare to compete with Muhammad.
Beware, O foolish and misguided enemy!
Beware of the sharp sword of Muhammad!
The path of the Lord God, which mankind has lost;
Seek it in the progeny of Muhammad.
Beware, O denier of the status of Muhammad
And of the manifest light of Muhammad!
Even though miracles are no more;
Come and witness them among the devotees of Muhammad.

[Announcement February 20, 1893, Majmu‘a Ishtiharat, Vol.1, pp. 371-372]

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