
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Refutation of the Christians’ Faith in the Unity of God

In these days, the Unity and Existence of God are subject to powerful attacks. The Christians have tried hard and have written a good deal on the subject, but whatever they have said or written, is about the God of Islam and not about a dead, crucified and helpless god. We affirm it confidently that whoever begins to write on the Existence and Being of God Almighty, would in the end have to revert to the God that is presented by Islam, because every leaf of the book of nature points to Him and naturally every man carries His impress within himself.

[Malfuzat, Vol. I, p. 83]

The Christians should remember that it is not at all established that Jesus was the Resurrection, nor have the Christians been resurrected. They are dead more than the other dead, and lie in narrow and dark graves and are fallen into the pit of paganism. They neither possess the spirit of faith nor the blessings of such spirit. They have not achieved even the lowest grade of faith in the Unity of God, which is to abstain from the worship of creatures. They worship as creator one weak and helpless like themselves.

The Unity of God has three grades. The lowest grade is to abstain from the worship of any created thing like oneself, neither stone nor fire nor man nor any star. The second grade is that one should not be devoted to material means as if they were a sort of partner in the operation of Rububiyyat. One must concentrate on the Provider of means rather than on the means. The third grade is that having witnessed perfectly Divine manifestations, one should consider every other being as nonexistent including one's own self. Everything beside God Almighty, Who possesses perfect attributes, should appear as mortal to one's eyes. Spiritual life means that these three grades of faith in Unity should be achieved.

Now consider carefully that all eternal fountains of spiritual life have come into the world through Hadrat Muhammad, the chosen one [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. It is only the Muslims, though they are not Prophets, who experience converse with God Almighty like the Prophets, and though they are not Messengers, God's bright signs appear at their hands, and the rivers of spiritual life flow through them and no one else can compete with them. Is there anyone who would take up this challenge and, standing in opposition, would exhibit blessings and signs as an answer !!!

[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 223-224]

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