
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Holy is He Who Watches over me (Urdu Poem)

Worship and praise belong to Him Who is Everlasting;
He has not equal or His like.

He alone endures, all else is but perishable;
To love others is only an idle tale.

All are others,
He alone is the darling of my heart;
The only cry of my heart:
‘Holy is He Who watches over me’.

Holy is His Divine might,
Grandeur is His alone;
Those close to Him stand atremble,
And angels are awe-stricken.

His Mercy is all-pervasive;
How can one be grateful enough?
We are all His creation;
Love Him we must.

To love others is contrary to His Pride
Blessed be this day;
Holy is He Who watches over me.

Every comfort we enjoy
Is His Gift and Grace;
Every heart is pledged to Him
And is filled with His Grandeur.

We had better submit to Him alone,
For in it lies all felicity and auspiciousness;
Blessed be this day;
Holy is He Who watches over me.

He alone is the Succour and Support of all;
His mercy is manifest.
He alone is Dear to us;
He alone is our Beloved.

He alone is Indispensable;
Everything other than Him is false.
Blessed be this day;
Holy is He Who watches over me.

The favour is Yours, O Lord;
I am but an offering at Your threshold.
You have granted the faith;
You alone are the Protector at all times.

Your Grace covers us every moment;
You are the Most Gracious, Ever-Merciful.
Blessed be this day;
Holy is He Who watches over me.

How can You be thanked enough;
All that is mine, is Yours!
You have filled my home with every bounty;
All darkness vanished when Your light came;

Blessed be this day;
Holy is He Who watches over me.

[Mahmud ki Amin, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 12, pp. 319-320]

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