
Thursday 5 March 2015

Holy Qur’an – the Universal Book

The Book that would have been revealed at the beginning of creation could not, according to reason, be a perfect Book. It would be like a teacher who teaches children the alphabet. It is obvious that for such elementary instruction, no great ability is needed. When human experience increased and man fell into many errors, detailed instruction became necessary especially when the darkness of error became widespread and human souls became involved in diverse types of intellectual and practical misguidance. At that time a superior and perfect teaching was needed and that came in the Holy Qur’an. In the beginning instruction of a high grade was not needed for human souls were simple and no darkness or misguidance had settled on them. Superior teaching was needed in the book which appeared at the time of extreme misguidance and came for the reform of the people whose false doctrines had become confirmed and whose evil conduct had become a habit.
[Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 23, p. 70, footnote]

 It is true that man was bestowed a revealed Book in the beginning of creation, but that Book was not the Vedas. To attribute the current Vedas to God Almighty, is to offer an insult to the Holy Being. If it is asked why was only one revealed Book given to mankind in the beginning and why was not each people given a separate book, the answer is that in the beginning mankind's number was small and they did not amount even to a people, and one Book was sufficient for them. When mankind spread over the earth and the dwellers of each region of the earth became a people, and on account of long distances one people ceased to be in touch with another, Divine wisdom demanded that at such time there should be separate Messengers and revealed Books for different peoples, and so it came about. When mankind increased in numbers still more and communications were established, and means of communication became available, and it became known that different parts of the earth were inhabited by man, and God Almighty determined that they should all be made one people, and should be gathered together after their dispersal, God sent one Book for all regions. In this Book it was commanded that as it reached different parts of the world, it should be accepted and believed in. That Book is the Holy Qur’an which has been revealed to establish a relationship between different regions. The books that were revealed before the Qur’an were confined to one people each. Books and Messengers appeared among the Syrians, Persians, Indians, Chinese, Egyptians and Romans and they were each confined to one people and were not concerned with the others. Last of all came the Holy Qur’an which is a universal Book and is not for any one people, but for all peoples. It came for a people who were henceforth to become one. Now means have become available which are bestowing a unity upon different peoples. Mutual intercourse which is at the root of converting mankind into one people has become so easy that a journey that used to take years can now be accomplished within a few days, and such facilities have become available for communication that news that took a year to travel from one far country to another can now be transmitted within an hour. So great a revolution is in progress, and the river of culture is flowing in such manner, that it appears obvious that God Almighty has determined that all the peoples who are scattered in the earth should be made into one people and that those who had been separated over thousands of years might now come together. This is intimated in the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Qur’an alone claims that it has come for all the peoples of the world, as it is said:

Proclaim to the people: “I am Allah's Messenger to you all”. al-A‘raf, 7:159

Again it is said:

I have sent thee as a mercy for all the peoples. al-Anbiya’, 21:108

And it is said:

We have sent thee so that thou shouldst be a Warner for all peoples. al-Furqan, 25:2 

I declare with all the emphasis at my command, that no revealed Book made this claim before the Holy Qur’an. Each confined its message to its own people. Even the Prophet who was deified by the Christians affirmed: “I have not been sent but to the lost sheep of Israel.” Matthew 15:24

The conditions of the world also bear testimony that the claim of the Holy Qur’an of a universal message was timely for at the time of the advent of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], the door of general propagation of the truth had been opened.

[Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 23, pp. 74-77]

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