We should not let a doubt enter our minds how a mere follower can partake of the names, attributes, and praises of that accepted Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. It is true that in reality even a Prophet cannot share equally in the holy excellences of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. Indeed even all the angels cannot claim equality in that respect, let alone that anyone else should share in his excellences. But O seeker after truth, may God guide you aright, listen care fully to this. With the object that the blessings of that accepted Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] should be displayed forever and that the perfect rays of his light should confound and refute his opponents, God Almighty has made the following arrangement by His wisdom and mercy. Some individuals out of the followers of Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] who obey him with thorough humility and falling prostrate on the threshold of humbleness are completely lost to their ego, being found by God like a clear mirror, exhibit the blessings of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] in their humble selves. Whatever praise is bestowed upon them by God and whatever signs and blessings are manifested by them, the true source of all their praise and the perfect fountainhead of all those blessings is the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. In reality and in their perfection, those praises are worthy only of him and he is their perfect exemplar, but as the follower of the way of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] becomes through his perfect obedience like a reflection of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], the divine lights which are focussed on and manifested in the holy being of the Holy Prophet are also manifested and reflected in his followers. The appearance in the shadow of the whole form and manner of the reality is a matter that is not hidden from anyone. This shadow is not established in itself and no superiority is in reality present in it. All that appears in it is a picture of the real one which is manifested in the reflection. Do not, therefore, consider it a loss that the inner lights of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] reach those who are perfectly obedient to him out of his followers.
Two great matters result from this reflection of lights, which, like permanent grace, manifests itself in some members of the following of Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. One is that the extreme perfection of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] is thereby displayed; for a torch from which other torches can be lit and are ever lit, is better than a torch from which no other torch can be lit. Secondly, the perfection of the Muslims and their superiority over the followers of other religions is established by this permanent grace and the proof of the reality of the religion of Islam are furnished afresh and reliance is not had only upon the past. This is the manner in which the lights of the truth of the Holy Qur’an shine forth like the sun, and the proof of Islam is established conclusively as against its opponents, and the disgrace, humiliation and frustration of the enemies of Islam is made manifest. They observe in Islam those blessings and light the like of which they cannot find in the ministers and pundits of their own religion. Consider this well, O true seeker,
May Allah help you in your search....
How great is the station of the Khatam-ul-Anbiya’ [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] and how excellent is the bright effectiveness of this sun of righteousness that obedience to him makes someone a perfect believer and someone else a recognizer of God and bestows upon a third one the rank of a Sign of Allah and a Proof of Allah and bestows upon him Divine praise.
[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in Vol. 1, pp. 268-271, sub-footnote 1]
Ever since the appearance in the world of the sun of righteousness in the blessed person of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] up to this day, thousands of persons who possessed the capacity and the ability, by following the Divine word and obeying the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], have arrived at the high ranks that we have mentioned and continue to do so. God Almighty continuously bestowed upon them such favours, bounties, support and help that it is proved to those possessing clear sight that such people are Divine favourites, who are under the grand shadow of Divine bounty and are recipients of great grace. Observers can see clearly that these people are honoured with extraordinary favours and are distinguished by wonderful signs and perfumed with the fragrance of love and enjoy the pride of being accepted of God. The light of the All-Powerful so fills their companionship, their attention, their resolve, their moral qualities, their way of living, their joy, their anger, their desire, their dislike, their movement and their rest, their speech and their silence, and their outer and inner selves, as a clear and transparent glass receptacle is filled with excellent perfume.
By the grace of their companionship and their relationship and love, that is achieved which cannot be achieved by great effort. By establishing a relationship with them and thinking well of them, one’s faith assumes a new complexion and strength is gained for the display of good morals. The tendency of the ego towards clamour and sinfulness begins to be restrained and contentment and sweetness are generated. According to one's capacity, the eagerness of faith surges up, and love and devotion are manifested, and delight in the remembrance of Allah increases. A person who keeps their company for a long time is compelled to confess that in the strength of their faith, in their moral qualities, their cutting off from the world, their attention towards God, their love of the Divine, their kindness towards God's creatures and in fidelity, acceptance of the will of God and steadfastness, they occupy such high rank as is not equalled in the world. Sane reason immediately discovers that the chains and shackles in which other people are bound have been removed from their feet, and that the narrowness and constriction whereby the bosoms of other people are constricted and fatigued, have been removed from their bosoms. They are honoured by continuous converse with the Divine and they are accepted as a means of approach between the Divine and His eager servants for the purpose of gaining direction and guidance. Their brightness illumines other hearts.
As vegetation bursts forth at the approach of spring, in the same way, at the advent of such holy persons, natural lights surge inside pure souls and the heart of every fortunate one desires to bring into display, with full effort, its capacities, and is delivered from the veils of deep sleep, and is relieved of sinfulness, the stains of vice, and the darkness of ignorance and unawareness. Their blessed age has such a characteristic and there is such spreading of light in it that every believer and seeker after truth, according to the strength of his faith, without any apparent cause, perceives in his soul an expansion and an eagerness for religion and an increase in and strengthening of resolve. Every sincere one receives the benefit of the delicate perfume which is bestowed upon them on account of their perfect obedience, according to the degree of his sincerity.
Those who are eternally unfortunate obtain no share of it, but continue to increase in their enmity, envy and ill will, and finally fall into hell. This is indicated in the verse:
‘Allah has set a seal on their hearts.’—al-Baqarah, 2:8
[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 529-532, sub-footnote 3]
The claim of our Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] shines forth like the sun and it is a great proof of his eternal life that his grace flows eternally. Even in this age a person who obeys the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] is raised from the dead and is bestowed a spiritual life not merely in imagination, but through the display of his righteous effectiveness and of heavenly help and blessings and extraordinary support of the Holy Spirit. He becomes a unique person from among all mankind, so much so that God Almighty talks to him, discloses His special mysteries to him, communicates His verities to him, manifests the signs of His love and favour in him, causes His help to descend upon him, places His blessings in him, and makes him the mirror of His Rububiyyat. Wisdom flows from his tongue, and the fountains of fine points burst out of his heart. Hidden secrets are made manifest in him. God Almighty bestows a grand manifestation upon him and comes close to him. In the acceptance of his prayers, in the opening of the doors of understanding, in the disclosure of hidden mysteries and in the descent of blessings upon him, he ranks high and is supreme over all others.
Having been commissioned by God Almighty, this humble one despatched several thousand registered letters to well-known opponents of Islam in Asia, Europe and America about these matters, so that these matters might be conclusively established. I invited them that if anyone claimed that spiritual life could be achieved by any other means, without following the Khatam-ul-Anbiya’ [peace
and blessings of Allah be on him] he should come forth in opposition to me, and that failing this he should come to me as a seeker after truth, in order to witness the blessings and signs that are bestowed on me; but no one offered to come with sincerity and good faith and by keeping aloof they proved that they are all floundering in darkness.
[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 221-222]
We know for certain that the greatest Prophet of God and His best beloved is Muhammad, the chosen one [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. The followers of other Prophets are in darkness having nothing with them except old stories and tales. But the Muslims always receive fresh signs from God Almighty. Therefore, among Muslims there are found many persons of understanding, who believe in God with such certainty as if they beheld Him; but other people have not this certainty concerning God Almighty. Therefore, our soul bears witness that the true and right religion is Islam alone....
The miracles of our Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] are not mere stories. By obeying the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] we experience those signs ourselves and, through the blessings of observation and experience, we arrive at complete certainty. How high is the status of that perfect and Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] whose Prophethood always furnishes fresh proof to seekers, and by the blessings of witnessing continuous signs, we arrive at the stage where we see God Almighty with our own eyes, as it were. Thus, true religion is that and the true Prophet is he, the fresh spring of whose truth should always be witnessed. To rely upon mere stories which are subject to all kinds of exceptions does not commend itself to the wise. Hundreds of people have been deified in the world and they are believed in on the basis of hundreds of old tales, but the truth is that the true miracle worker is he the river of whose miracles never dries up. That person is our lord and master the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him].
In every age, God Almighty has raised someone to display the signs of that perfect and holy one. In this age, He has sent me with the title of Promised Messiah. Signs are being shown from heaven and all sorts of extraordinary events are coming to pass. Every seeker after truth can come and stay with me and witness these signs, whether he is a Christian, a Jew or an Arya. All these are the blessings of our Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him].
Muhammad is the Imam and light of both the worlds;
He it is who illuminates time and space.
For fear of offending God, I dare not call him God, but, by God;
For mankind, the Holy Prophet is the sure guide to Him.
[Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 13, pp. 155-157, footnote]
The proof of spiritual life is to be found in the blessed person of the Holy Prophet [peace and thousands of mercies of God be on him]. Profitless is the life which has no beneficence and useless is the existence which has no grace. There are only two lives which are worthy of praise. One is the life of the Ever-Living and Self-Existing God, Who is the Source of all beneficence; and second is the life which is beneficent and points to God. We can show that such was the life only of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] to which heaven has borne witness in every age and does so today. He who does not lead a beneficent life is dead and not alive. I call God to witness that He has furnished to me proof of the everlasting life and full glory and perfection of our master Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] to whom all obedience is due, and through following him and loving him I have seen heavenly signs descend upon me and I have found my heart filled with the light of certainty. I have witnessed so many divine signs that through their manifest lights I have beheld my God.
[Tiryaq-ul-Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 15, pp. 139-140]
To the degree that the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] appears in the extreme of meekness and humility, to the same degree does he seem to be aided and illumined by the support and light of the Holy Spirit, as he has demonstrated in action and conduct. The circle of his lights and blessings is so vast and extended that its sample and reflection is visible eternally. The Divine grace and bounty that is descending in this age is obtained only through following and obeying him. I say truly that no one can be held to be righteous and the winner of the pleasure of God Almighty, nor can he be the recipient of the bounties, blessings, understandings, verities and visions which are bestowed at the highest degree of the purity of the soul, till he is completely lost in his obedience to the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. This is affirmed in the Word of God as it is said:
‘Say, If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.' Al-e-‘Imran, 3:32
I am the practical and living proof of this Divine promise. You will recognize me through the signs of those who are loved by God Almighty and are His friends which are set out in the Holy Qur’an.
[Malfuzat, Vol. I, pp. 203-204]
The necessary consequence of following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] the essentials of which are his love, respect and obedience, is that a person becomes the beloved of God and his sins are forgiven, and if he has swallowed the poison of sin, that poison is rendered harmless through the antidote of love and obedience. As a person can get rid of a disease by the use of medicine, in the same way, a sinner can be purified of sin. As light dispels darkness and an antidote destroys the effect of poison and fire consumes, in the same way true obedience and love prove their effect. As fire consumes in an instant, the eager doing of good for the manifestation of God's glory acts like fire in consuming the fuel of sin.
When a person believes sincerely in the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] and accepting his greatness, follows him with eagerness, love and obedience, so much so that through perfect obedience, he arrives at the stage of non-existence, he, on account of this close relationship with him, also partakes of the Divine light which descends upon the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. Then as light and darkness are opposed to each other, his inner darkness begins to be dispelled till no part of it remains inside him and, being strengthened by light, good of the highest type proceeds from him and the light of the love of God shines forth through all his limbs. His inner darkness is wholly dispelled and he enjoys light intellectually as well as in conduct and by the combination of these lights, the darkness of sin departs from his heart.
It is obvious that light and darkness cannot subsist together, and thus the light of faith and the darkness of sin can also not subsist at one place. If such a person has not been guilty of any sin, his power to commit sin is suppressed altogether and he becomes eager to do good as Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
‘Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it look beautiful to your hearts, and He has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience hateful to you.’—al-Hujurat, 49:8
[Review of Religions—Urdu, Vol. I, No. 5, pp. 194,195]
The position of being loved and accepted by God and of becoming His friend, the signs of which have been briefly set out, cannot be achieved without implicit obedience to the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. It is not possible for a Christian, an Arya, or a Jew, to show the signs and proofs of his acceptance by God in opposition to a true follower of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. There is a clear way of determining this. No opponent, Christian or other, of a righteous Muslim who is a true follower of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], can stand up and claim that he will exhibit the same type of signs which appear from heaven in support of the Muslim, or will display similar hidden mysteries as are displayed by him, or similar Divine help through acceptance of prayer, which might be manifested by him, or natural occurrences of the same type which might appear in his honour, or a prophecy of Divine favours or a prophecy warning an enemy of his of his dire end. None of them will come out to oppose a true follower of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] in this manner, inasmuch as their hearts bear witness that they are liars and that they have no relationship with the True God Who is the Helper of the righteous and Friend of the faithful.
[Tasdiq-un-Nabi, pp. 45-46 or Maktubat-e-Ahmadiyya, Vol. 3, pp. 78,79)]
To believe in God's Messenger is a condition precedent to believing in the Unity of God. One cannot be separated from the other. A person who claims to believe in the Unity of God without following the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], possesses only a dry bone which has no marrow and is holding a dark lamp which gives no light. Anyone who thinks that a person who believes in God as One without associate and does not believe in the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] will yet achieve salvation, has a leprous heart and is blind and has no notion what Unity of God means. Satan is better than him in his profession in the Unity of God, inasmuch as Satan, though he is disobedient, yet he believes that God is present, and such a person has no faith in God.
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