
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Revival of the Faith in Unity through the Holy Prophet SAW

The Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] came into the world to bestow hearing on the deaf, who had continued in that condition for hundreds of years. Who is blind and who is deaf? The one who does not accept the Unity of God and who does not accept this Prophet who revived the Unity of God on the earth. The same Prophet who converted the wild ones into men and then converted them into men possessing true moral qualities, then dyed them in the Divine colour of those who establish their relationship with God; the same Prophet, the sun of righteousness, at whose feet thousands of those who had died of paganism and atheism and evil living were revived and came to life and a sample of the Judgement Day was exhibited. It was not mere talk like that of Jesus. The Prophet who appeared in Mecca and dispelled the darkness of paganism and that of the worship of man, was the true light of the world, who found the world in darkness and bestowed such light upon it that he converted a dark night into day.

What was the world before his advent and what did it become after it? This is not a question that is difficult to answer. If we are faithful our conscience will tug at us to persuade us to believe that before that great personage the greatness of God had been forgotten by the people of every country and it had been assigned to avatars, stones, stars, trees, animals, and mortal men, and despised creation was seated in the place of that Lord of Glory and Holiness. It is true that if these men and animals and trees and stars were in fact God, Jesus being one of them, then this Prophet was not needed, but if they were not God, the claim that our lord Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] made on the hill of Mecca has a grand light attending upon it. What was that claim? It was that God, having found the world in the deep darkness of associating partners with God, had sent him to dispel that darkness. It was not only a claim, but a claim fully established by the Holy Prophetsa.

If the superiority of any Prophet can be established by such works as proclaim true sympathy with mankind exceeding that of all other Prophets, then, O ye people, arise and bear witness that in this respect Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] has no equal in the world.... Blind worshippers of creatures have not recognized that great Prophetsa who set forth thousands of examples of true sympathy with mankind. I perceive, however, that the time has arrived when this Holy Messengersa would be recognized. If you wish you might record my statement that henceforth the worship of the dead will decline daily till it disappears altogether. Will man set himself up against God? Will a despised drop frustrate the designs of God? Will the projects of mortal man disgrace Divine commandments? O ye who can hear, listen, and O ye who can reflect, consider and remember that truth will be proclaimed and he who is the true light will shine forth.

[Majmu‘a Ishtiharat, Vol. 2, pp. 305-307]

It is my personal experience that to obey the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] with a sincere heart and to love him, ultimately makes a person beloved of God. God creates in his heart a burning for His Own love and such a one, withdrawing his heart from everything else, leans towards God and his affection and desire remain only for God Almighty. Thereupon a special manifestation of Divine love falls upon him and, bestowing upon him the full colour of love and devotion, pulls him towards itself with great force. He then overcomes his passions and from every direction extraordinary works of God Almighty appear as signs in his support and to help him.

[Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 22, pp. 67-68]

It is my personal experience that through invoking blessings upon the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], Divine grace in the shape of wonderful light proceeds in the direction of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] and is absorbed into his breast and then issuing therefrom numberless streams of it reach everyone deserving them according to his capacity. Certainly, no grace can reach anyone without the agency of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. Invoking blessings on the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] brings into movement his throne from which these streams of light issue. He who desires to obtain the grace of God Almighty should invoke blessings on him persistently, so that divine grace might be moved.

[al-Hakam, 28 Feb. 1903, p. 7]

One night this humble one invoked blessings on the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] to such a degree that my heart and soul were filled with its fragrance. That night I saw in my dream that angels were carrying water skins full of light into my house and one of them said to me: These are the blessings that you invoked upon Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on him].

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in Vol. 1, p. 598, sub-footnote 3]

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