
Friday 27 February 2015

Leader of the Lovers of God (Persian Poem)

That sovereign of all the world; Whose name is Mustafa—the chosen one;
Who is the elite of the lovers of the True God; Who is bright like the midday sun.

Verily, all light is due to his light;
He who is accepted by him is accepted by God.

He is the one that, for life, is the flowing water;
And a limitless ocean of spiritual insight.

He it is in support of whose truthfulness and excellence,
Hundreds of incontrovertible proofs and arguments have been made manifest to the world.

His countenance radiates the light of God;
His path manifests the works of God.

All Prophets and truthful ones are his devotees;
They are like dust at his doorstep.

Love for him elevates one to the heaven;
And transforms one like the lambent moon in purity.

He demonstrates to the Pharaohs of every age,
Hundreds of signs like that of the white hand of Moses.

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, p. 627, footnote]

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