
Friday 27 February 2015

The Status of Ahmad SAW (Persian Poem)

My heart is aflame praising the Holy Prophet;
Who has no peer in excellence.

Who loves the Eternal Friend with all his heart,
And whose soul is in communion with the Beloved.

He who is the recipient of divine favours,
And has been brought up like a child in the lap of God.

He is an ocean of virtue and piety,
And is a unique pearl in all its splendour.

In generosity and beneficence, he is like the spring rain;
His bounties and favours are like those of the sun.

He is ever merciful and is the sign of divine mercy;
He is gracious and is the manifestation of divine grace.

His countenance is so blessed that one glimpse of it
Transforms an ugly face into a beautiful one.

Like a star, his enlightened soul has lit up
Countless hearts which were full of darkness.

He is so blessed that his coming
Signifies the mercy of the Lord of all the worlds.

He is Ahmad of the latter days, it is for his light
That human hearts became brighter than the sun.

He is more beautiful than all the progeny of Adam;
He is purer than the purest pearl.

From his lips issues forth the fountain of wisdom;
His heart overflows with the water of Kauthar—the heavenly stream.

For the sake of God, he repudiated all else;
On land and sea there is none like him.

God has granted him the lamp
Which is forever immune from any danger or windstorm.

Champion warrior of the Lord God;
Wearing his dagger with great dignity.

His arrow has demonstrated its swiftness in every field;
His sword has displayed its skill everywhere.

He proved the helplessness of idols to the world;
He plainly showed the power of the One, All-Powerful God.

Lest the idols, their makers, and worshippers
Should remain ignorant of the power of God.

He loves truth, straightforwardness and uprightness;
He is the enemy of falsehood and evil.

He is the master, yet he is a servant to the helpless;
He is the king, yet he is like a servitor to the weak.

The compassion that the world received from him,
None has ever experienced even from a mother.

He is intoxicated with the wine of the Beloved’s love; For His sake, he is so prostrate and humble.
His light reached out to every people, And lit up every country.

For everyone with insight, he is the sign of the Gracious God;
He is the proof of God for all who have eyes to see.

Out of compassion, he is the help of the helpless;
With his loving kindness, he shares the grief of the grief-stricken.

His countenance exceeds the sun and the moon in beauty;
The dust of his threshold is more fragrant than musk and ambergris.

How can the sun and the moon be like him?
In his heart shine hundreds of suns of divine light.

A single look at the beautiful one
Is better than eternal life.

I who am so well aware of his beauty,
Will give my very life, while others offer their hearts.

Remembrance of his countenance Sends me into transports of ecstasy;
I am in a state of perpetual intoxication, Having drank from his goblet.

I would keep on flying towards his lane forever; Had I but the wings.
Of what use are to me the two lips and the sweet basil, When I have fallen in love with that beautiful face.

His beauty pulls at the strings of my heart; The powerful one drags me along with great force.
I found him to be the light of the eyes; And in its impact, his love is like the bright sun.

Resplendent became the face that did not turn away from him.
He found the remedy, who held on to his threshold.

Everyone who dares enter the ocean of faith without him,
Misses his port at the very outset.

He is unlettered, yet peerless in knowledge and wisdom;
Can there be brighter testimony than this?

God granted him that elixir of knowledge and understanding;
Before whose dazzling light, every star paled into insignificance.

Through him the all human potentials
Were fully actualized.

Every excellence is culminated in his holy person;
Without doubt the reign of all Prophets ended with his coming.

He is the sun for all time and space;
He is the guide of all—the black and the brown.

The meeting point of the ocean of knowledge and recognition of Allah;
Combining in him the attributes of the sun and the shade.

My eyes searched all around but did not find
A fountain fairer than his faith.

For seekers, there is no guide except him;
For pilgrims, there is no leader other than him.

His is the exalted station whose intensity of light
Would scorch the wings of the Holy Spirit.

Almighty Allah has granted him the Law and Faith,
Which is forever immutable.

First he shone upon the land of the Arabs
To cleanse it of all evil.

Then the light of faith and holy law
Covered the world like the sky.

He gave to the people the elixir of life
And rescued them from the jaws of the dragon.

The monarchs of the time were wonder-struck,
As were the sages dumbfounded.

No one could equal his knowledge or power;
He has humbled the pride of the arrogant.

What need has he that anyone should glorify him;
To praise him is an honour for the one who praises.

He resides in the beautiful garden of purity and grandeur;
Far above the imagination of those who praise him.

O Allah, convey our greetings to him
And to his brotherhood of Prophets.

We are the humble servants of all the Prophets;
We lie like dust on their threshold.

May our life be sacrificed for the Prophet,
Who showed the way to the True God

O my Lord, by the host of the Prophets,
Whom You sent with Your abundant grace;

Grant me wisdom, as You have granted me a yearningheart;
Grant me the wine, as You have granted me the goblet.

O my Lord God, for the sake of Your chosen one,
Whom You supported at every step;

Hold my hand with compassion and generosity;
Be my Friend and Helper in all my affairs.

My reliance is on Your power even though
I am like dust, or even humbler still.

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 17-23]

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