
Wednesday 25 February 2015

al-Qasidah—An Ode in Praise of the Holy Prophet SAW (Arabic Poem)

O fountainhead of Divine grace and knowledge!
All creation flocks towards you like the thirsty.

O ocean of the grace of the Generous Benefactor!
Multitudes throng towards you holding empty cups.

O sun of the kingdom of beauty and grace!
You have illumined the face of deserts and dwellings

A nation had the honour to behold you and another
Of this full moon that has enchanted me.

They shed tears in remembrance of your beauty;
And the pangs of separation from you make them cry.

I find hearts throbbing wildly;
And tears streaming from the eyes.

O ye who in his light and radiance is like the sun and
the moon;
And has illumined the day with his light.

O full moon of ours, O the sign of our Gracious Lord!
O the most guided of all guides, and the bravest of all
the brave.

I perceive in your bright face
A quality far superior to human qualities.

He is genial, gracious, bounteous, lover of
Generous, and one who has excelled all the youth.

He surpasses all creation in his perfection and beauty;
In his glory, and his pleasant nature.

No doubt, Muhammad is the best of creation;
He is the elect of the elect and chief of chiefs.

All excellence attained perfection in his person;
The bounties of every age reached their climax in him.

I call Allah to witness that Muhammad is His
Through him alone access is possible to the Divine

He is the pride of every pious and holy person;
In him does the spiritual army take pride.

He is superior to all those who attained nearness to
Allah in earlier times;
For the criterion of excellence is virtue, not time.
A light drizzle often precedes rain;

But there is a world of difference between the two.
He is the one and only archer whose arrows never miss
the target;

He is the master archer whose arrows hit the target and
kill the Satan.
He is like a heavenly garden: I see his fruits;

Whose bunches have been lowered towards my heart.
I found him an ocean of verities and guidance:

Full of lustre like a pearl.
Verily ‘Isa—Jesus—quietly breathed his last, but our

Prophet is alive;
God is my witness, I have had the honour to meet him.

I swear by Allah! I have witnessed his beautiful
With my own eyes while sitting in my house.

Our Holy Prophet is alive—of this I am a witness;
And I have been blessed with the fruit of converse with

I had the honour of witnessing his blessed countenance
in my early youth;
He graced me with his presence when I was wide

Surely, I have been brought back to life by his lifegiving
Praise be to Allah, What a miracle! What a life he has
granted me!

O my Lord, shower Your blessings upon the Holy
Ever and always, here and in the hereafter.

O my master! I have come to your door as the one
wronged and aggrieved;
For my people have hurt me by calling me a kafir.

Do look upon me with mercy and compassion!
O my master, I am the humblest of your slaves.

O my beloved! My soul, my senses, my heart;
Are all saturated with your love.

O garden of my delight, never for a moment,
Am I without the remembrance of your countenance.

Overwhelmed with longing, my body yearns to fly
towards you;
If only I had the power to fly!!!

[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp.590-594]

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