
Wednesday 25 February 2015

Qualities of the Holy Prophetsa (Arabic Poem)

O my Heart! remember Ahmad;
Source of guidance and annihilator of enemies.

He is pious, kind and benevolent;
An ocean of bounties and beneficence.

He is bright like the full moon;
Praiseworthy in all his qualities.

His benevolence captures hearts;
His beauty quenches the thirst.

The oppressors rejected him,
So unjustly, and with such arrogance!

No one can deny the truth
When it becomes manifest.

Go and find someone perfect like him;
You will be humbled and bewildered.

We have not seen anyone like him
Who so wakes up the sleeping ones.

He is the light of God that has resuscitated
All branches of knowledge afresh.

He is the elect, the chosen one;
The guide, and the source of grace.

The rain of guidance is but a part
Of the heavy rains of his generosity.

The world forgot its light drizzle,
When they saw the torrential rain from this leader.

Today the mean try to put out
And extinguish the light of his guidance.
Sooner or later,
Allah will manifest his light.
O rain that pours day and night,
You have been safeguarded from destruction.
You have nourished the trees of low lands
And high lands with your bounties.
We have found you to be the haven of refuge;
Hence after finding such a great haven,
We are no longer afraid of adverse circumstances,
Nor are we scared of the horrors of any sword.
We fear not the vicissitudes of time;
Nor are we frightened by threats.
At the time of every crisis,
We turn to our Lord.

In many a contest, Between me and the opposing hordes,
I emerged victorious, honoured, And a recipient of divine succour.

Praise be to Allah! Praise be to Him!
As we have recognized our guide.

My friend! It is Allah indeed,
Who has favoured us with this gift.

He is the Night of Decree,
Whose bounties are perennial.
[Karamat-us-Sadiqin, Ruhani Khaza’in Vol. 7, pp. 70-71]

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