
Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Faith of Muhammad SAW (Urdu Poem):

I let my fancy fly in all directions,
But I did not find a faith like the faith of Muhammad.

There is no religion which shows the signs of truth;
This fruit I tasted only in the garden of Muhammad.

I tested Islam myself—It is light upon light;
Wake up, I have informed you in time.

No one came for a trial, even though
I challenged every opponent to compete.

Come, O ye people! Herein you will find the light of
Lo! I have told you the way of satisfaction.

Today those lights are surging in this humble one;
I have coloured my heart with every hue of those lights.

Ever since I received that light from the light of the
I have joined myself with the True One.

Countless blessings and peace be upon Mustafasa;
Allah is my witness: from Him I received this light.

My soul is forever wedded to the soul of Muhammad SAW;
I have filled my heart to the brim with this elixir.

I swear by your countenance, O my dear Ahmadsa;
For your sake alone, have I taken up all this burden.

O my Beloved! I swear by Your Uniqueness;
I have forgotten all about myself in Your love.

[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 224-225]

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