
Thursday 5 March 2015

Beauty of the Holy Qur’an (Urdu Poem)

The grace and beauty of the Qur’an
Is the light and life of every Muslim;
The moon is the beloved of others,
Our beloved is the Qur’an.

I searched everywhere,
Its peer could not be found;
Why, after all, should it not be unique:
It is the Holy Word of the Gracious Lord.

Every word in it is a living
And everlasting spring;
No orchard has such quality,
Nor is there a garden like it.

The Word of the Gracious God
Has no equal;
Be it a pearl from Umman,
Or a ruby from Badakhshan.

How can the word of man
Equal the world of God?
There is divine power; here is helplessness;
The difference is so obvious!

In knowledge and eloquence,
How can man equal Him;
Before Whom even the angels
Confess ignorance.

Even the tiny leg of an insect,
Man can never create;
How is it possible for him
To create the Light of God?

O people, have some regard
For the grandeur of the Great Lord;
Hold your tongues now
If you have even a hint of faith.

To consider someone equal to God
Is an act of great infidelity;
Have some fear of God, dears!
What a lie and calumny this is!

If you accept the Unity of God,
Why are your hearts full of polytheism?

What veils of ignorance
Have enveloped your hearts!
You are indeed guilty of an error;
Desist! if you have any fear of God.

I bear no ill will to you, brothers,
This is only a humble advice;
My heart and life are an offering
For anyone who has a pure heart.

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in Vol. 1, pp. 198-204]

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