
Thursday 5 March 2015

Perfect System of guidance of the Holy Qur’an

Again it is said:
 al-Baqarah, 2:186
… This means that: The Holy Qur’an has three qualities.
First, it guides people to the knowledge of the faith that had disappeared. Secondly, it sets forth the details of such knowledge as had been briefly stated. Thirdly, it sets forth the decisive word concerning matters over which differences had arisen and thus distinguishes between truth and falsehood. Concerning the comprehensiveness of the Qur’an it is said:
Bani Isra’il, 17:13
…. Meaning that: All knowledge of faith has been set out in detail in this Book and it points out those means and teaches that perfect knowledge which should lead man not only to partial progress but to full development.
Again it is said:
al-Nahl, 16:90
Meaning that: This Book has been revealed so that every religious verity might be plainly stated and this perfect statement might prove the means of guidance and mercy for those who submit wholly to God.
Then it is said:
Ibrahim, 14:2
…. This means that: We have revealed this magnificent Book to you, so that you may move people out of darkness into light. This is an indication that the Holy Qur’an removes every kind of doubt that passes through a man's mind and puts down false notions, and bestows the light of perfect understanding; that is to say, it bestows all the insights and verities that are needed for turning to God Almighty and believing in Him.
Again it is said:
Yusuf, 12:112
…. This means that: The Qur’an is not a Book which could be composed by man. The signs of its truth are patent for it establishes the truth of previous Books, meaning that the prophecies contained in the previous Books concerning the Holy Qur’an have been fulfilled by its being revealed. Also the Qur’an has supplied the arguments in support of true doctrines which had not been set forth in previous books and thus carried their teaching to perfection. In this manner the Qur’an proved the truth of the previous books, which also establishes its own truth. It is a sign of its truth that it sets forth every religious verity and states all those matters which are necessary for perfect guidance. This is a sign of its truth inasmuch as it is beyond the power of man that his knowledge should be so comprehensive that no religious verity and fine truth should be left out of it.

In these verses God Almighty has clearly stated that the Holy Qur’an is comprehensive of all verities and this is a very strong argument in support of its truth. Centuries have passed after this claim of the Holy Qur’an, but no Brahmu or any other has come out to contest it. It is obvious that, without setting forth any new verity that might have been left out of the Holy Qur’an, to put forward false notions like the insane which have no reality, is strong proof that such people do not desire to seek the truth like the righteous, but to please their evil-directing selves they are seeking ways whereby they should be freed from God's holy commandments and from God Himself. For procuring such freedom they turn away from the true Book of God, the truth of which is brighter than the sun, and they neither discuss any matter in the spirit of scholarship, nor listen to anything said by the other side. They should be asked when did anyone present a religious verity in opposition to the Qur’an and found no answer from the Qur’an? For 1,300 years the Holy Qur’an has claimed that all religious verities are comprised in it. Then how vile it is that without a test such a grand Book should be held to be defective, and  what kind of arrogance is it neither to admit the claim of the Holy Qur’an nor to refute it? The truth is that though their lips sometimes utter the name of God, their hearts are filled with the filth of the world. If they start a religious discussion they do not continue it till the end and cut it short lest a truth should be manifested. Then they describe this perfect Book as defective which proclaims:
al-Ma’idah, 5:4
…. This day, by revealing this Book, I have perfected your religion for your benefit, and have completed all My favours for the believers.

Have you no fear of God? Will you go on living like this? Will your false mouths not be cursed one day by God? If you think that you have discovered a high verity after great labour, and research and you falsely assume that the Holy Qur’an has failed to mention it, we call upon you to put aside everything else and present that verity to us so that we might exhibit it to you from the Qur’an.

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 223-227, footnote 11]

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