Ahmadiyya Priangan Timur


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Blessings of Islam

I would now wish to enlarge upon the fruits of Islam. Let it be clear that when a true seeker lives Islam in full, and each one of his faculties, without any affectation or pretence, spontaneously begins to tread the path of God Almighty, the result of his efforts is that the higher manifestations of Divine guidance, freed from all intervening veils, hasten towards him. Diverse types of blessings descend upon him. The commandments and doctrines, which were accepted on faith and as hearsay, are now experienced by him as realities and certainties through true visions, and definite and unambiguous revelation.

The mysteries of the faith and the law are revealed to him and he is afforded a view of the Divine kingdom so that he should arrive at the stage of perfect certainty and understanding. A blessing characterizes his tongue and his words and all his actions and his movements. He is bestowed extraordinary courage and steadfastness and his understanding is expanded at a high level. The characteristic failing of humankind, meanness, miserliness, the tendency towards frequent stumbling, short-sightedness, proneness towards passion, lowliness of behaviour and every darkness of his ego are totally removed from him and he is filled with the light of Divine attributes. Thereupon, he undergoes an entire change and puts on the garment of a new birth. He hears through God Almighty, sees through Him, moves with Him and stops with Him. His anger becomes the wrath of God Almighty, and his compassion becomes the compassion of God Almighty.
When he arrives at that stage, his prayers are heard as a mark of his having been chosen, and not merely as a trial; and he becomes the proof of God on earth and personifies security from God. There is joy in heaven on his account and the highest gift that is bestowed upon him is the word of God which descends upon his heart free from any doubt, like the light of the moon shining through without any mistiness. It carries an effective sense of delight with it and bestows satisfaction, comfort and security. The difference between this converse with God and revelation is that revelation is like a perennial spring that flows continuously to the chosen ones of God. They speak, see and hear with the Holy Spirit and all other intentions are born of the breath of the Holy Spirit. The truth of the matter is that they become the reflection and embodiment of the Qur’anic verse:
‘Nor does he speak out of his own desire. 
It is nothing but pure revelation that has been revealed by God.’—al-Najm, 53:4-5

But converse with God is different. It means that the word of God descends upon them in the form of verbal revelation. They hear the response to their questions from God such as a friend receives from a friend. We can only define it by saying that it is a special manifestation of God the Glorious, which is conveyed through a favourite angel. Its purpose is to give intimation of the acceptance of prayer, or to communicate a new or secret matter, or to make aware of something that is to happen in the future, or to convey God's pleasure or lack of it concerning any matter, or to create certainty and understanding concerning some matter. It is a Divine voice that manifests itself in the form of converse in order to create understanding and satisfaction. It is not possible to define it any more than to say that it is a voice which proceeds from God and is experienced in delicious words full of blessings, which is not induced by any thinking or reflection or any intrusion of self and is blessed with a Divine manifestation and Divine majesty.
[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 226-233]
I believe in Islam alone as a true religion and consider all other faiths as bundles of falsehood. I perceive that by believing in Islam fountains of light are coursing through me. Through the love of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], I have arrived at that high stage of converse with the Divine and of acceptance of prayer which can only be achieved by a follower of the true Prophet and by no other. If the Hindus and the Christians and others were to supplicate their false gods, even unto death, they could not achieve that stage.
I hear the words of God, which the others believe in only as a theory. I have been shown and have been told and have been made to understand that Islam alone is the true faith in the world, and it has been disclosed to me that I have received all this through the blessing of following the Khatam-ul-Anbiya’ [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] and that the equal of it cannot be achieved in any other religion for they are all false.
[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 275-276]

God be thanked a thousand times, Who has bestowed upon us a religion, which is such a means of attaining to the knowledge of God and to the fear of God, as has had no equal in any age. Thousands of blessings be upon the immaculate Prophetsa through whom we have entered this faith and thousands of Divine mercies be bestowed upon his companions who irrigated this garden with their blood.
Islam is such a blessed and God-indicating religion that if a person follows it truly and acts upon the teachings, guidance and admonitions contained in the Holy Word of God Almighty, the Holy Qur’an, he would behold God in this very life. For the recognition of God, Who is hidden from the sight of the world behind thousands of screens, there is no other means except the teachings of the Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an guides towards God Almighty through reason and heavenly signs in a very easy manner. It comprehends a blessing and a magnetic power, which draws a seeker of God every moment towards God and bestows light, comfort and satisfaction. A true believer in the Holy Qur’an does not merely contemplate like philosophers that there ought to be a Creator of this wonderful universe; he acquires a personal insight and, being honoured with a holy vision, he sees with the eye of certainty that that Creator in fact exists. He who is bestowed the light of this Holy Word does not merely guess like those who rely upon reason alone that God is One, without associate. But through hundreds of shining signs which take him by the hand and lead him out of the darkness, such a person learns for himself that God has no associate in His Being or in His attributes. He is able to demonstrate to the world that he believes God to be such a Unity. The majesty of the Unity of God so fills his heart that in comparison with the Divine will, he regards the whole world as no more than a dead insect and indeed as nothing at all.
[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part V, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 21, pp. 25-26]

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